My rating: 3 of 5 stars
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I could not stand the four main characters of this book at the beginning and by the end I started to semi-liked them. I wish that we could have seen all of them be real, not just Sam and sort of Lindsey on day 6. And I didn't like the ending. Some parts of the story dragged but other parts made me not want to stop reading. The writing and voice was really good. I will make it a point to pick up another book by Ms. Lauren Oliver.
Samantha and her three best friends are the girls that everyone wants to be, or at least that's how they see themselves. We meet them on Cupid's Day, a day where you give your friends, or whom you want to be your friend, flower attached with a little note. We follow them as they go through their superficial day seeing who was more popular by the amount of roses they got. We follow as we meet Sam's popular boyfriend and the drama of tonight being the big night, meaning she was going to lose her virginity. We meet Kent, a childhood friend of Sam's that was her only friend until Lindsey becomes her new best friend. Sam hasn't talked to Kent since. We meet Juliet who everyone makes fun of to which Lindsey is the head of the taunting. That night, after school, they head to a party at Kent's house where Juliet shows up and confront the 4 girls calling them bitches, which they are! After shoving Juliet and screaming "Psycho" which the whole crowd joins in on, the drunk 4some leaves the party and gets into a car accident, killing Sam.
Ok, here is my problem with the book. Why is Sam the one who dies? We later find out that Lindsey and Juliet used to be best friends until Lindsey got caught wetting the bed and blamed it on Juliet, who took one for her best friend and said she did it. To keep her secret safe, Lindsey starts the name calling and soon Juliet is an outcast.
Instead of Sam dying that night, she wakes up the next day to relive her life. There is something she has to do, but what? So, we have to live out Sam annoying day, 6 more times before the end of the book.
We come to love Kent, and his love for Sam. I really liked them together. Poor Kent, I feel like he got the short end of the stick by not only finally getting to tell Sam how he feels and her feel the same way but then she dies!!!! This poor guy who is anything but short of amazing deserved a happy ending. I feel that Lindsey should be the one who dies at the end not Sam or Juliet.
That's another thing that bothers me. Juliet killing herself. Stand up for yourself! Don't allow one person to ruin your life. You make your life not someone else. So many people get picked on in there life and many end up making something of themselves. I really didn't like how Juliet finally stood up for herself to only kill herself right after.
But in the end the book and story were good, I just didn't like the ending, who died, or who's lives get effected by the death.
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