Remember those summer nights that you would run out of your house, jump into your friend car, and you would just drive. Drive anywhere you guys wanted to go. Sometimes you wouldn't even know where you going to go so you flipped a coin. Those were my favorite nights.
Man, I would do anything to go back to being a 17 year old girl; nothing to worry about other than which direction we were driving. Sometimes we would find a place to park and watch as the monsoon lite up the desert skies. The smell of fresh rain in the desert is a smell I will always love.
I have amazing stories from those years. Stories, I will never tell anyone and hope my kids don't find out about. But that is what made life fun back then right?

Now, as an adult I see the summer monsoons rumbling in and I watch from my porch. With my laptop and drink in hand so I can still watch the light show but also continue to work. Tonight I have realized, I have become the person I never wanted to become. The person who can't enjoy life because I have too many things to do. That girl, that used to run carefree out the door, laughing, is gone.
I know, I know, we grow up. We mature. But I don't want to grow up this much. I want adventure again. I want fun nights of no cell phones, no emails, no facebook, no blogs, no schedules. I want to have those amazing summer nights that hold many secrets and lots of laughs.
I know many, almost ALL, of us now have families and kids. But I want to make it a priority we get back to being our self's again. To stop being a mom, a wife, a business owner, a manager, whatever it is we are and just be us. Have a couple of hours of no responsibility. I'm going to plan a couple of girls trips. Girls outings. I need this. I need to have fun again and be with my girls! I'm ready to have amazing summer nights again. I'm ready to make new summer night memories. Some with all of our children but some without. After all, just because I'm a mom doesn't mean I lost who I am right? Right?
So ladies! Lets have some amazing summer nights! Love you all!!!!
Your good friend/sister is back at wanting to have crazy nights of shopping, painting, concerts, shows, bunko nights, weekends up to the cabin. Whatever we want to do. We deserve to have us time.