Monday, June 1, 2015

Stop bombing on Facebook

Are you ready to pull your hair out? Have you been posting and posting and posting but feel as if you aren't getting anywhere?

Let me tell you why.

Consumers want to get to know who they are buying from. "Who is this person that just magically showed up on my social media site wanting my credit card information? Are they a real person? Why would I want to buy from this stranger rather than someone I know is a real person? No thank you!" (Block button clicked)

The number one tip I can give you is this. STOP TRYING TO SELL!

Now, am I saying stop posting about your product? No, not at all. Make sure you have a 6 to 1 ratio going on your news-feed. 6 personal posts to your 1 product post. If all you do is try and get money out of your friends and family they will start clicking the unfollow, unfriend and block button. They will come to you when they are ready. Trust me. 

If you post in groups, which you should be, STOP TRYING TO SELL!

Groups on facebook are a great way to get cold market prospects. But if you look at the groups you are apart of 99% of all post are someone selling something. Be honest with yourself, do you even sit there and read the ad's? No you don't, so what makes you think that others are? They don't know you and they could careless what you are selling.

If you want to use facebook as a way to gain leads here are some tips for you.

First, let's talk about the definition of a LEAD.  A lead, is when someone gives you their information to learn about what you have to offer. Every single person on your friends list is a potential lead. Everyone in groups you are apart of is a potential lead, they just don't know it yet. You need to make these people WANT to give you their information.

And how do we do that?

You need to brand yourself. You need to figure out what makes you stand out from everyone else and start pushing that image.

In groups, start conversations not related to your product. Get people to engage with your post. When people get engaged in a post ask them to be a friend if they haven't already asked you. Try to get 5-10 new friends from groups a day.

They will start to feel as if they know who you are and connect on a personal level. Then, when you make your product post they will see it. If they are interested, they will ask you about. Don't push people into buying from you because the only thing you will do is push them into a no.


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