Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Here I Go

Here is my first blog post ever – I’m a little freaked out. Do I really suffer from anxiety? Yes, and the thought of just doing this makes me sick but I’m excited at the same time.

I have spent the last seven months writing and editing a novel called "The Pier". I finally got to a place where I was ready to send it off to try and hook an agent. With a nervous finger, I clicked the left side of the mouse and send my query off - to be read, rejected, and hopefully, to get that one “yes” that it takes to get my novel published. I know that it's not that easy of a process but I can always hope right? After sending it off and staring at a screen that tells me my e-mail was received, my computer crashed. Really you might ask. Yes, just that fast. So not only did I lose my whole novel, query and synopsis, I also lost six months worth of pictures of my children. *Sigh*

I sat there desperately trying to get the computer to turn back on with no avail. So now here I sit, with my new laptop sent off to get the hard drive fixed, trying to type on a laptop that my four year old thought would be entertaining to pop off half of the keys. Why in the world didn't you back all your stuff up Kristie? I ask myself at least twenty times a day. "It's a brand new laptop it will be fine..." I kept saying. Now I'm sitting here praying that no one wants me to send them any part of my manuscript because I don't have it. Luckily I did print off a couple copies to be sent to and edited by some well trusted friends. But just typing this small post hurts my finger from the hardware underneath the keys that my son popped off. I couldn't imagine retyping 114,000 words on this keyboard. I need my laptop back so I can work on getting my novel out there.

Please pray from me as I go through the process of trying to find an agent AND that they miraculously don't ask to see more until I'm able to get my computer back and retype it ALL. I think that I've learned my lesson. I'm going to back up my files once a week - if not once a day.


Unknown said...

Nice post for your 1st ever! I will be praying that you will get that ONE that WILL say YES!

You know they always say to backup but you wouldn't think you need it immediately on a new computer. Oh well, I just invested in a Network Attached Storage (NAS) box which can hold 6 hard drives of 2 TB each. I bought (2) 2 TB drives and so each drive is a mirror of the other. So what are the chances of 2 drives failing at the same time? Anyway, so far so good.

Take care,

hollyherick said...

Great job getting your blog up in spite of the bumps in the road. Walls and Sparks are two of my favorite authors also. Check out my blog where I talk about my creative adventures—good and bad.

SarahAngel88 said...

Oh man, that's really a rough day. I lost 30 pages of work before and I wanted to cry. Hang in there.

KristieRodricks said...

Losing all of that work was a shock to the system. I couldn't believe it. I'm trying to think on the positive side. I'm working on my query and synopsis right now, the novel well, that might need a weekend away to it all back in the computer. I think I hear girls trip to the cabin calling me! =)

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