Thursday, December 11, 2014

Wah Wah Wah

Where is Charlie Brown when you need him!

Got my meal planning done last night. Got my grocery list written. All I needed to do today was go to the store so I could start my first day of clean Paleo eating. Never made it to the store.

Running my own business is so stressful. I had so much to do today getting to the grocery store just didn't happen. I spend most of my morning answering emails, taking phone calls, before I knew it I had to get a couple of errands done so I could make it to my 3rd job. Yup I'm one of those multi-jobers. I have my main business, Lets Get Up and Move. That's my baby. It's our slow time of the year and I refuse to take a loan out on it. I also sell Nerium. I am loving it. It isn't like any other MLM I have ever seen. It is a ground floor company that is showing amazing results for its customers and its brand partners. So proud to be with them. But, in the mean time I need extra cash so I also work part-time at TJMaxx. I have a love-hate relationship with it. I love helping people, working with people, and NOT being in charge, but I hate the time it takes away from my family.

Once I was done working at TJMaxx my body was so tired I could barely make it from my car to the front door. I have to listen to my body. I don't want my adrenals to start acting back up. Even though I wanted so bad to get to the store to start today I couldn't. I will however get it done in the morning. I am going to make it a priority.

So, my eating today wasn't amazing. Ugh!

Tonight, I plan on doing some yoga. My body just need to relax and stretch. I don't have a favorite yoga program yet so you might see a lot of different videos from different sources.

Here is the video I am going to do today. (I don't understand why she comments about her hair, that was random but hey, that's just me.)

I'm off to go and do this yoga video! Finger crossed I like it!


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